Eleanor Hale Wilson Summer Scholarships

Six $2,000 awards for study at any domestic or international summer music program

Required Materials Checklist:
  1. Current resume
  2. Statement of Mu Phi Epsilon participation
  3. Most recent unofficial college transcript
  4. A copy of the acceptance letter from the specific summer program. This scholarship is contingent on acceptance to a summer program. The application may be made prior to acceptance at a summer festival, but the applicant must provide the MPE Foundation a letter of acceptance from the festival for the scholarship to be disbursed.
  5. A descriptive brochure or link to the festival program outlining its curriculum
  6. A detailed budget
  7. Composers:
    1. Score and high-quality recording of a recent composition. Submission via links to YouTube preferred (or other comparable sites, no Dropbox). Recordings in the Scholarship Application process must not be older than two years from the date of application.
  8. Performers:
    1. High-quality recording 15-20 minutes in length, including at least two contrasting works. Submission via links to YouTube preferred (other comparable sites, no Dropbox). Recordings in the Scholarship Application process must not be older than two years from the date of application.
    2. List of the recorded repertoire with the following information:
      1. Exact titles, opus numbers
      2. Composers' names
      3. Timings
  9. Theorists, Historians, and Educators:
    1. One recent paper or publication
  10. Two current letters of recommendation
  11. $25 Application Fee
Please note that there will be no return of application fee for incomplete and disqualified applications.




March 1


Questions? For general inquiries about Mu Phi Epsilon grants and scholarships, please contact [email protected]. For questions about this particular award, please contact the appropriate scholarship chair. All applicants must be dues-paying members in good standing. If you cannot log in to access the application, please contact [email protected].